Fail to prepare, prepare to fail…

Today, I’m off to the hospital again for a second scan. However, today is an exciting one.

I called a charity called The Little Princess Trust. A charity set up by a couple who lost their beautiful daughter to cancer in 2006. During their little girls treatment they found that the wigs supplied were not great, therefore, in memory of their daughter they set up this charity. I was unaware of the charity until two days ago, but, I can not believe how helpful and conforting they were. 

Mum and Dad keep telling me my hair won’t full out, but, I feel like I need to prep for the worst case scenario. Happy days if it doesn’t, if it does i would like to know I have a back up plan. Losing my hair is the most daunting of the process, I feel that with no hair people will know that I am unwell… Right now it’s a secret.. I’m doing a good job at hiding it too, I think. 

After my appointment myself and Darren are heading to Bayswater to Trendco. I’ll have a consultation and discuss options for when I lose my hair… I’m quite excited! I’ll keep you posted with how it goes. 

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